We're still in January, so Happy New Year if you haven't read me yet this year. I wish for you to connect with your inner power this year and pave the road ahead, as your heart desires
(mind and soul combined)!
So I'm doing something quite different this January. Instead of jumping full force in New Year's resolutions and a bunch of 'doing', I'm taking it slow. Every year at this time I usually offer new programs, jump into full action with rigor. I feel rushed and feel a need to make the year better, so I have to work harder or at least be more focused and disciplined. Ugh! I'm so not there. I mean focused and disciplined I am very happy with... but work harder? Sacrifice my wellbeing for work or for something else that deep down is not aligned to who I want to be? I'm not there.

I'm not there because I've realized that rushing into things without proper self-respect to choose what's best for me is quite harmful. I end up making decisions that are not in my highest good and in the end, not for the highest good of others. I'm done with burning myself out and I'm creating balance in my mind, body and my soul. I'm done doing what I think I should do and choosing to BE and DO what resonates with me. Along with that, I'll be more assertive, I'll communicate my truth, I'll set my boundaries and will do so with respect. Don't you love that song?!
"🎤 R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me🎵" Yes, exactly! Find out what it means to you to act in respect for yourself and others.
That's my message today. Why not take the rest of January to slow it down, reflect and perfect your life based on YOUR needs. Play and create a different way to start your day. Ensure self-care is weaved throughout your day, even if it's only for 2 min's here and there. Pick 1 or 3 words you want to embody for the day Ex: Capable, Certain, Happy and stay focused on how that feels throughout the day. Dare to allow SPACE between all of your actions, so you can choose your next move with RESPECT. Respect for yourself and for others. Take 2 min's at night and review your day and your accomplishments. How about slowing down a tad to breathe 😌 and choosing your thoughts, actions and even feelings more consciously while listening to your body. Practice discipline in everything that's important to you. You will thrive so much more, be aligned with your purpose and will love yourself so much for it! 💞
For me, February is my ACTION month!
So for now, I wish you an enlightening January and wish that the slowing down will be quite fruitful for you!
With love and respect,
P.S. On this Full Moon, why not ask yourself "What am I done with?" "What do I want to let go?"
Possible answers: Playing small? Feeling overwhelmed to get into action? Overreacting to things? Hiding or shying away from standing up for yourself? Doubting yourself when you know deep down "I've got this!". This can really catapult you in the right direction. 😉
P.S.S. Do you want any support to create your fulfilling life? I've got a "Coaching Package Winter Deal" going on! Click here for more info!