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Create the Life You Want in 5 Steps

Have you been feeling unsatisfied in your life? Are you looking for deeper meaning? Are you sick of your past still having a negative effect on you? Do you want to make a positive change, but not 100% sure where to start?

After losing my job 12 years ago, starting from scratch and building my own business, I realized that I was all over the place! Not only was I dissatisfied with what I was doing workwise, I knew I had dreams beyond my reach, but I didn’t know where to start. I wasn’t feeling the greatest about myself and where I was at in my life.

Then, it became clear to me that I needed to GET A GRIP and focus on FIVE KEY ELEMENTS to help me make positive changes in my life and achieve my goals…once and for all!


Step #1 – Be Mindful

When we are not satisfied with our life, it’s easy to become distracted, to procrastinate, to avoid reality and waste loads of time in one’s head. Yep, I’m talking to YOU (and me, as I said I was all over the place) — the one that is easily distracted and has a hard time focusing on one thing at a time… never feeling satisfied with your efforts.

Being mindful and present of your feelings, behaviour, and action or inaction is KEY to creating the life you want. Slow down, be present. Focus on the present and on what you want, instead of what you do not have yet.

Step #2 – Explore. Then Determine What You Want.

Some of us live intently, some of us go with the flow, and some of us struggle paddling upstream. How do you want to live your life?

If you are feeling dissatisfied in your life, then I recommend you take some “me time” and figure out what is actually important to YOU. Not everyone else, but you. You could even try completing my FREE Guide “Your Values & Your Goals: A Blueprint to Success” to help you determine what’s important in your life and what you’d like to improve. It will be available for download next week from my website OR sign up for the waitlist and I will send it to your inbox as soon as it’s available. Get on the waitlist here! After you complete it, you can select the areas of your life you want to improve. This exercise will help you get clear on what you want and why you want it!

How is your life going to improve as you move forward toward your goals? With or without goals, life will bring you whatever you are focusing on…good or bad, right or wrong. I say, “Live intently and design your life!”

Step #3 – Listen to Your Body

Do you realize how intuitive your body is? Did you know you can get ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers to your questions by muscle testing? Did you know if you are off course (not on your soul’s path) that your body will create physical symptoms to get your attention? Whatever aches and pains you have experienced, have a metaphysical meaning behind it. For example, I had a client with sciatic nerve pain, the more we dug into the different areas of her life and how she was showing up, we realized she was being extremely critical in one specific area of her life that related to the nerve pain. Once we cleared the area she was struggling in, the nerve pain went away. Another example, I’ve had many clients with tense shoulders who then realized that they have been people-pleasers and carrying the weight of everybody else’s happiness on their shoulders. Sounds like anyone reading this article? ;)

Knowing what’s good and not good for you plays a HUGE role in your level of happiness, your decision-making and your overall life satisfaction. STOP and LISTEN to your body. It will tell you when you’re not in alignment.

Step #4 – Explore and Develop Self-Discipline

Do you label yourself as a procrastinator? Do you have amazing ideas and aspirations but you just don’t crack the whip and do it?

Developing self-discipline and/or rituals can help you reach your goals and aspirations faster! Just like a muscle, it takes time to develop self-discipline, however, it can be done. Trust me, I know. I was the most laid back, undisciplined person I knew. But then I realized the key to faster and more meaningful results is to develop rituals and be consistent with it everyday. For example, if you want to stay encouraged, focused and avoid sabotaging/negative self-talk during your day, develop a “positive mindset” ritual just before you start your day. Get a card deck with messages from the Universe and pick a card for encouragement first thing in the morning. Find the specific meaning for you, and have it with you all day as a reminder to stay on point and positive. OR If your goal is to be present and grounded and avoid being stressed out, take the time to do some spinal cord breathing just before you begin your workday. Then whenever you feel scattered and stressed, take a pause, do some spinal cord breathing for 2 mins, and then you're off to the races! Feeling grounded, energized and positive! Rituals and self-discipline will change your life!

Step #5 – Find the Hidden Blessings

Do you let your fears, past events, or your lack of self-confidence stop you from moving forward? Do you realize that in every situation there is an equal amount of drawbacks and benefits? If you knew deep down that you would benefit, grow and surpass your own expectations about yourself in any given situation, wouldn’t you just do it?

Looking at current, past or future events and identifying the good and the bad will set you free from fear, anger, resentment and guilt! The universe does not deliver a crisis without a blessing. Do anything and everything to see the benefits behind negative experiences and then… step into the next best version of yourself!

These five steps changed my life! And I know they will for you too.

I am more focused and disciplined. I reach my goals. I have loads of energy and keep having creative ideas around what to do next…and (the kicker) I actually do it! Why? I’ve taken the time to develop these five steps and incorporate them into my life. Even though I “failed” and gave up at times. I’ve learned how to get back on the wagon and follow my guide! Interested in creating the life you’ve always wanted? Let me help and guide you in this process. It’s not always easy, but it’s oh so worth it.

If you are a person who is serious about making healthful, productive and soulful changes in your life, then you might want to consider joining my Full Moon Retreat October 27-29th, 2023. It will be a weekend you won’t soon forget. Register now and let’s change your life!


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